Find Exploits Instantly: Findsploit

Wednesday, June 03, 2015 Sensei Fedon 0 Comments

Finsploit is a simple bash script to quickly and easily search both local and online exploit databases
Find Exploits Instantly: Findsploit Find Exploits Instantly: Findsploit Find Exploits Instantly: Findsploit

How To Install and Find Exploits

  1. Extract files to a directory (ie. /pentest/findsploit)
  2. Set the below params to match your browser and settings
  3. To run, chmod +x findsploit and ./findsploit iis 5.0 to search
This script uses the local exploit-db database for exploits. To install this database locally, use the script under the exploitdb folder first. You will also need to install nmaps script database locally in /usr/share/nmap/scripts/ for the script to work.
This repository also includes “copysploit” to copy any exploit-db exploit to the current directory and “compilesploit” to automatically compile and run any C exploit (ie. ./copysploit 1337.c && ./compilesploit 1337.c).

Source && Download
Find Exploits Instantly: Findsploit download