A method that I discovered today in MySQL documentation struck me with its simplicity and the fact that I haven’t noticed it before. Let me ...

Another fine method to exploit SQL Injection and bypass WAF

Monday, May 02, 2011 Sensei Fedon 0 Comments

A method that I discovered today in MySQL documentation struck me with its simplicity and the fact that I haven’t noticed it before. Let me describe this method of bypassing WAF.

MySQL servers allow one to use comments of the following type:

/*!sql-code*/ and /*!12345sql-code*/

As can be noticed, SQL code will be executed from the comment in both cases! The latter construction means that "sql-code" should be executed only if the DBMS version is later than the given value.

Some WAFs skip comments during signature search. Among such WAFs, there is the latest stable assembly of Mod_Security (v. 2.5.9).

Here is a simple example:

$query = "SELECT name FROM table where id = ".$_GET[id];

$result = mysql_query($query);

If a web application is protected with Mod_Security, then the following request will be forbidden:


It is remarkable that even these requests (that are incorrect in the considered example) will be also forbidden by the WAF (HPP/HPF techniques):



But if we use the described method with comments, Mod_Security will allow our requests and we will be able to exploit an SQL Injection:


